Subjects and programs


Subjects and programs:

Kindergarten has the following grades: Kg 1 and kg 2.
The Kindergarten stage currently operates using an 8 periods 45 minutes daily schedule and two breaks time. Students receive knowledge and skills in various subject areas such as: English , Math, Science, Arabic, Art, Music, P.E, Religion.
Elementary stage has the following grades: Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Grade 6.
The Elementary stage currently operates using an 8 periods 45 minutes daily schedule.
Students receive knowledge and skills in various subject areas such as: English, Math, Science, Arabic, Art, Music, P.E, Computer, French, Social Studies and Religion.
The Middle and High stages have the following grades: Grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Grade 12.
The Middle and High stages currently operate using an 8 periods 45 minutes daily schedule. Students receive knowledge and skills in various subject areas such as: Mathematic, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Science, Social Studies, English, Arabic, French, Computer Technology, Art and Physical Education, economy, business, advanced biology, Advanced Math, Arabic social studies, and civics.
Students are placed into grades according to their academic performance and age.
-Throughout the academic year students pass four quarters evaluation with average of 8 - 10 weeks/quarter.
-Teachers assess and evaluate students based on projects, home assignment, class work, quizzes, participation, attendance, revisions, and final exams.

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